Friday, January 4, 2008


To read Sally Sims' excellent personal essay recently published in the Christian Science Monitor please click on is how Sally went from being an unpublished writer to her first sale---and in a prestigious international newspaper, at that!

"Persistence pays off. When I decided to target the Christian Science Monitor to get published, I'd only been paid in contributor's copies for writing I had done. I wanted dearly to break into a paying market, and a national one to boot. …the Monitor celebrates the personal essay. My first submission, a humorous piece about attending an auction, got no response. By the time I wrote the second attempt, a travel piece on Cedar Key, Florida I'd started working with Roy as a writing coach and then took his LifeStory class. Through that spring and summer I could feel my writing getting tauter with Roy's input and, most of all, his unflagging encouragement. When I wrote the Creche essay, I knew I was closing in. I submitted by email and got accepted in under three hours. Roy helped me immensely, not only in developing my writing and editing skills, but in getting to the point where I felt like a writer—which makes me much bolder. Thanks, Roy !"
Sally Sims, January, 2008