After all these years, I'm leaving New York City. Along with my ten years in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico (the 90s) I've lived in NY for a long time.
It's been great, both for my intellectual and spiritual growth as a human being, and for my creativity.
It's time for a change, and the change is to Santa Fe, New Mexico. My wife and I spent five days there in December, and we loved it. When you look up beyond the buildings (none higher than 3 stories!) you see the absolutely beautiful Sangre de Christo mountains. I can't tell you how refreshing to eye and soul to see something not built by real estate developers!
I'll miss ready access to world-class theatre (we saw Pinter's The Homecoming last week, starring Ian McShane (star of HBO's Deadwood) and it was terrific. I'll miss the NY museums, but Santa Fe has some great museums too. It's folk art museum is fabulous, and there's the Georgia O'Keefe museum and several others.
And the planes fly both ways, NY to SF and SF to NY, so we'll return for visits regularly. Already several NY pals are ready to swap digs for a week or so.
My coaching business will not be affected, since it all takes place in cyber-world anyway.